You get a ready report instantly for each monitoring after its completion in the mobile app. This guarantees that your prices are 100% up-to-date.
Recognition accuracy from 95%. Of course, there are external factors that can affect the recognition - low quality of price tag printing, one price tag overlapping another, the auditor took a photo incorrectly. In these cases the auditor can always add or edit the result manually. This will give you a 100% complete report and you won't lose any of the prices.
Our mobile app works on any smartphone - IOS, Android, Harmony Huawei and others. The specifications of the smartphone do not matter. Even the most budget smartphone with an HD camera is suitable for work.
It's not a problem. Our application and price tag recognition works without access to the Internet. The signal is needed only to start the monitoring task (get a list of products) and when you finish monitoring send the results to your personal cabinet.
1 photo = 100KB. To spend 1gb of traffic you need to send about 10 000 photos.
Yes, the app allows you to take additional photos of items and you will see them all in the final report.
You can specify an unlimited number of store addresses for each company in your personal cabinet. Perform price monitoring by selecting any address(es) you need in the task. In the final reports you will see the prices of the company's products from all of its monitored store addresses.
You can assign a list of companies and store addresses to each user (auditor) - this is called a Competitive Environment or Store Monitoring Environment. The user will only be able to monitor prices in his environment.
Yes, of course. In the mobile app he can select - City, Company, Store address, categories with products or a ready-made product template (for example, KVI Products) and start a price monitoring task. If he has a store environment in which he can monitor, he can select companies and store addresses only from his environment.
Yes, you can. Our app will help you monitor prices not only for a fixed list of products, but for all products that are on the shelf in the store. It will fill your database with new barcodes and in-store articles. This can be the goods of brands that your competitors or products STM store, where you perform monitoring.
Every recognized barcode or any other code/article is saved.
You can save an unlimited number of codes for one product, and you can also note which company the product's internal code refers to. For example, the store "basket" with the product "Coca Cola zhb 0.5 l" internal code "111777" - you can specify it for the same product.
You only need to do this once. After that the codes will be in the database and in the next monitoring the results will be automatically matched with your products by these codes.
You can find the product you need in the list of your task and take a photo of its price tag, the price will be automatically recognized and saved to this product along with the photo.
If there is a bar code, QR code, 2D code or any other code on the price tag of the weight product, just take a photo of the price tag (without selecting the product).
Our app recognizes the price of the item and the information from that code, usually it's the store's internal product part number. This article can be linked in your personal cabinet to your same product and in all of the following monitoring, the comparison of the store's product with your product will be automatic by the article of this store.
The price and photo will be linked to your "Cheapest" or "STM" goods and will be shown in the report as Similar.
Yes, in our mobile app you can select an item and add a price to it manually.
Monitoring must be performed by your employees - it can be your in-house employees \ your store employees \ your merchandisers \ hired outsourced employees and others.
We do not provide staff to monitor your offline stores.
We provide you a software that will make your monitoring more accurate, faster and more efficient. And we can also advise outsourcing agencies that can provide you with staff and they will perform monitoring with mobile application Cenix pro.